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Coach Development Solutions

Coach development in not only important for the success of the affiliate, but also for the professional growth of the individual coaches. Because of this, we offer our solutions at two levels, one at the affiliate level with the intention to build the systems to support the development of their personeel, and one at the coaches level to provide them with the opportunity to elevate their own coaching practices. In addition to this, through The Coach Developer app we provide a gateway to inspiring and elevating content for coaches and affiliate owners to elevate their coaching and member experience.

Affiliate level solutions

Our affiliate level solution provides affiliate owners with a system to support the development of their team. The system

is tailored towards the specific needs of the affiliate. We ensure that not only the processes and steps are in place to elevate the team, but that the necessary knowledge and skills for running the system are within the affiliate itself.


The systems are not just limited to the actual development of coaches, but includes the steps and processes to create freedom within the affiliate.

Farran Mackay coaching CrossFit affiliate owner

Coach level solutions

Farran Mackay coaching crossfit coach YAK1

At Virtuous Coach Development we recognise that it is not always possible to attend a full weekend seminar, whether it is due to time or financial constraints, and that simply gaining more information is not going to bring your coaching to the next level.


That is why we are proud to offer our hybrid solutions.


These solutions are a combination of an online course that you can follow where you want, when you want and how you want in combination with 1-on-1 or group sessions designed to accelerate your learning.

Elevate coaches - Coach Developer Program

This hybrid course brings together the worlds of coaching and educational research to provide you with a unique learning experience and invaluable insights into coaching others to coach. Whether you have many years of experience of supporting trainers and coaches to develop, or you are just starting off on this journey, this course will provide you with the knowledge, skills and insights to elevate your own coaching of other coaches.


6-week Elevate Your Coaching Kick Start

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This 6-week challenge is designed to inspire you elevate your coaching without either breaking the bank or taking up all of your free time. Through a personal development plan, group mentorship sessions, and activities we can help you kick start your journey.

The Coach Developer App

 Whether you're new to coaching, have years of experience, or want to explore being a coach developer, this App will provide you with the gateway to the knowledge, skills and insights to elevate not only your own coach development, but also the development of the coaches you work with.


Our mission? It is to inspire, elevate and transform coaches (developers) to in turn inspire, elevate and transform the people they are coaching. However coach development is about more than what happens on the floor. The courses in the Coach Developer App have been selected to inspire and support you as a coach or affiliate owner to not only become more effective and efficient coaches on the floor, but also successful coaches and affiliates within the larger ecosystem.


Like it takes time and focused effort to learn to snatch or do a ring muscle up, elevating your own coaching also takes time and focused effort. The Coach Developer App can support you in creating your own individual roadmap, connecting you with the knowledge and skills you need to develop in this moment, and helping you plan for what you need in the future.


Other solutions

Affiliate Fitness Analysis 

Internship / Stage 

Human Resources 

Individual Development 

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